Tap! Tick! Tip! Tap! Click! Clack!
Hunched over the formidable notebook’s glaring screen, I continued to hammer obsessively at the overused keyboard. Psychedelic letters twirled and impish buttons played peek-a-boo with an exhausted mind.
The heavy-eyed Sun meekly lumbered back to his hideout
taking away the cacophony of animated voices engaged in frantic debates and dissonant
beeps of conference calls. As the eerie ‘Quietness’ spread out its soothing
wings in an almost deserted floor and took flight; camouflaged introverts started
peeping from behind their monitors and smiled to themselves.
Finally it felt at home!

The cries of the petulant muscles and grumbling bones kept getting louder than ever. “Hmm! Maybe I could do with a coffee-break!”- I thought to myself. As the machine vroomed and whirred to pour out yet another steamy cup spiked with caffeine; I peered out of the large glass window at the busy World which was still rushing, tripping and speeding off. Vehicles queued up behind each other, prodding and poking. Restless palms honked, fidgety fingers tapped and unchecked voices cursed to themselves but the bored Traffic continued its slow rally.
Blink! The string of distant headlights dotting the snaky
grey highway arrested my imagination.
A blink again! My own image jerked me out of my reverie. Drained
eyes pierced into me; the bright lip color had faded for the day and so was the
urge to glide the stick again and pout back. Morning vivacity had given way to
unkempt wisps of hair strewn lazily over the face. Lackadaisically, I made a note of splurging on
a worthy under-eye cream before it was beyond redemption. Perhaps setting up a monitor
pop-up that read – “Kindly blink!!” every quarter of an hour would be effective.
Curative ideas to accelerate the cadence of “self-care” would often flood in at
this hour but moody “Execution” smirked like always!
A little caffeine gushing through the bloodstream does help
in snapping one out of solemn soliloquies. Wider eyed than before; I scurried
back to my dreary chair and rolled up sleeves to complete the unfinished.
A serene bespectacled co-worker beside me possibly went
through the same mental ordeal. Stillness triggers thoughtful introspection in
all minds sooner or later!
Sneaky diminutive belly crawled out of the pleasant man’s otherwise
upright frame and subtly revealed the signs of affiliation with the blue chip
industry. Although his composed countenance conveniently veiled a zillion
bubbling thoughts within. The crisp indigo colored shirt that he wore had
started showing signs of weariness. His pensive eyes behind the thick horn rimmed
glasses, drifted across the display monitor nimbly. Stubby pale fingers clicked
and dragged the mouse purposefully. His square jawline tightened now and then
and fingers quickened; while he worked on listlessly.
As the clock sped forth, it was finally time to stop. Slamming
down the lid of the murky think-pad; I shoved my gear into the overburdened (literally
and there is no earthly explanation behind it, sigh!) backpack. A quick look
around, told me that Mr. S (my colleague) too had called it a day.
Chance encounters at luncheons and serendipitous late hours
often break more ice than ostentatiously planned meets in the intricate
corporate web. As we walked towards the lift, I could see he was in deep
thought. Cautious but curious, I asked him – “So! Yet another busy day it was.
He smiled and replied – “It never ends, does it?”
“True” – I affirmed.
................................. Continues.
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